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考前猛吃巧克力 数学成绩一路飙



发表于 2011-3-25 11:33:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Bribing your child with a chocolate bar to finish his or her maths homework is an excellent idea, according to researchers who claim that the yummy treat could improve the brain’s ability to do the most "dreadful" subject.
5 s6 s. V. j8 _* r4 F# f  研究人员指出,用一块巧克力贿赂孩子完成数学作业是个不错的主意,因为这种甜蜜的诱惑可以提高脑部的运算能力,借以应对最可怕的题目。1 A: k- K; d; ^  N- a
  The study, presented at the British Psychological Society annual conference, is great news for students who binge on chocolate when revising for exams.  b) o9 x4 ^% m  f+ X, \
  该项研究成果在英国心理学会的年度会议上发布,它对喜欢吃巧克力应考的学生来说无疑是非常好的消息。; P6 R0 L8 M1 ]( U! y6 U
  For the study 30 volunteers were asked to count backwards in groups of three from a random number between 800 and 999 generated by a computer.
! z7 @0 A* w9 m; d3 {! F  研究者对30名志愿者进行试验,通过电脑从数字800至999之间随机选取数字,要求他们进行以三为单位的递减减法运算。
2 l& s' |: m+ c  The findings show that they could do the calculations more quickly and more accurately after they had been given the drink.
1 p/ n. C, |5 {" x* F  研究发现,参加试验者在喝了含黄烷醇的饮料后,他们计算的速度和准确率都有所提高。 * `- i7 @: b, Z9 m
  However, the same was not true when the group was asked to count backwards in groups of seven, which the researchers described as a more complex task, requiring a slightly different part of the brain.
% n4 U# p- R* p! o* }4 o  不过,当志愿者进行以七为单位的递减减法运算时,这一差距不是那么明显。因为后者属于更为复杂的运算,它和前者使用到的大脑部分有所不同。! [6 H- H8 [4 y+ T) z7 A# A# [
  The findings also show that the volunteers did not get as tired doing the calculations if they had been given the cocoa drink, despite being asked to do them over and over for an hour.* p; |" v" o7 o9 O9 r$ e* Z$ g' P
. f* f8 b. d: P4 x/ z) ]2 R  The flavanols work by increasing the flow of blood into the brain. Dark chocolate contains higher quantaties of the chemical than plain or milk chocolate.* |& y- Z& e* P& ^
2 n3 j$ K' t7 H# ?% Z4 B& P4 @! V% K  Prof David Kennedy at Northumbria University said that chocolate could be beneficial for mentally challenging tasks.3 o9 m: b( L; D. L4 |; v
% i% a* V- \( ?( [# u2 y& h  The researchers gave the volunteers a total of 500mg of flavanol.
9 j1 _% h0 q, L% \* Z  研究者让志愿者饮用了大约500毫克的黄烷醇。
" P/ X, T4 {  O  Although the amount was too great to be found naturally in the diet, researchers said that people should ensure that they have lots of flavanols.+ u( w: ?8 R% k
. v* F; ?& i8 \) Y! @  Emma Wightman, one of the study’s lead researchers, said: "You can get bars of chocolate that have 100mg of flavanol, and we are also going to look at the effect of lower doses of flavanol on the brain."+ B$ S: Y( q& s7 u; F4 g
  该项研究的其中一个主导人艾玛·怀特曼说:“让人吃上几条总共含有100毫克黄烷醇的巧克力,我们现在就是想知道低剂量的黄烷醇会对大脑产生怎样的作用。”; c* R) C- R0 C
  "The more fruit and vegetables and things that are high in flavanols the better that is for your brain in the long run."
) c0 K. b* S6 F2 C  “长期来讲,多食用含黄烷醇的水果和蔬菜对大脑会有促进作用。”
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