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发表于 2011-3-25 11:45:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Smart or thin? Rich or ugly?
1 w$ _8 m* p) G* l+ VWomen still have a complex and contradictory relationship with their own image according to a poll released on Tuesday that found 25 percent of those questioned would rather win the "America's Next Top Model" TV show than the Nobel Peace Prize.
" o2 c8 `# N- V  W: RAnd although 75 percent of women surveyed said they'd be willing to shave their heads to save the life of a stranger, more than a quarter of those taking part admitted they would make their best friend fat for life, if it meant they could be thin.
3 Z- H" K" J% P8 s( q8 I. Y+ gAs for that age-old dilemma of whether to marry for wealth or looks, half of the 18- to 24-year-olds questioned said they would marry an ugly man if he were a multimillionaire.6 i  `8 w. ^  x$ Z
The poll for U.S. television network Oxygen, which is targeted at young women, also found that 88 percent of 18- to 34-year-old women would happily give up their cell phone, jewelry and makeup to keep a friendship.; S- S$ J2 h6 q
"This survey proves an interesting dissection of today's woman and how she relates her personal image with what she values in her life," said Dr. Jenn Berman, psychotherapist and judge of the upcoming new Oxygen series "Pretty Wicked."% n/ |" f; M% Z) S& [
"As shown in several results, women today are a complex combination of altruistic and materialistic, vain and insecure, loyal and self-serving. This survey highlights the dichotomy in all of us," Berman said.
+ F5 z; F. H! J$ UMore than 2,000 women aged 18-34 were interviewed for the poll.
: g4 ]% d9 `: G. k4 o/ p是要智慧还是身材?是选择财富还是外表?# }" J6 p  [& H/ Y# Z4 n
一项于本周二公布的民调显示,女性对自身形象问题仍然持一种复杂而矛盾的心态。25%的受访者称,与获得诺贝尔和平奖相比,她们更希望在“全美超模大赛”中获胜。  P" N: p# j8 Q4 @% S0 b
尽管75%的受访女性称,如果能够挽救一个陌生人的生命,她们愿意剃光头,而超过四分之一的人坦称如果能让她们自己变苗条,她们会让最好的朋友变胖。% Y- E3 e  b* O7 V6 o% |
在找对象是看重财富还是外表这一由来已久的问题上,18岁至24岁的受访女性中有一半的人称她们愿意嫁给一个相貌丑陋的男子,如果他是百万富翁。" T3 b  h5 u9 X2 {$ g
这项针对年轻女性的调查由美国Oxygen电视台委托开展。调查还发现,在18岁至34岁的女性中,有88%的人表示愿为保持一段友情而放弃手机、珠宝和化妆品。+ N3 S8 G0 [% W) W* F. e
精神治疗师、Oxygen电视台将推新剧《Pretty Wicked》的评委简•伯曼博士说:“该调查对现代女性进行了一种有趣的剖析,揭示了她们如何将自己的个人形象与她们觉得人生中重要的东西联系在一起。”2 R0 a8 v) y1 B( c" j* [
“几项结果显示,如今的女性是利他主义和物质主义、虚荣与不安全、忠诚与自私的复杂结合。这项调查揭示了我们所有人身上所存在的‘二元’现象。”7 Y  L# P3 j1 \8 N
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