“电脑消磁圣手”的消磁“秘术”. ~+ T c) K: p; S9 h
/ J- t8 N8 L8 W2 b前言:8 v* n b( ^% R' ~7 |
8 R w3 x* m; v' @+ p
' J I. h, ~$ F1 b试用:
. O$ f) X/ i0 B% a下载下来的是一个压缩包,解开后只有一个可执行文件。运行一下,首先弹出了浏览器窗口,连向了一个网站(可能是软件公司的网站吧),随手关掉。软件的主界面倒是很简捷,最主要的就是“开始消磁”按钮。点击一下,出现了一个进度条在不断的前进,同时还有提示文本出现,就是这些“系统正在做消磁前的准备...”、“系统正在收集电脑的电磁波...”、“系统正在释放融磁电波...”、“系统正在释放融磁电波...”、“系统正在做最后的消磁工作...”。经过这样一番神秘的仪式之后,弹出一个对话框提示“融磁成功,已经成功中和电脑周围磁场?”刹那之间,我对作者的佩服如同滔滔江水连绵不绝,这可是项巨牛x的技术,只靠软件就可以进行消磁了,而且还是电脑周围的电磁波,不知道作者是否申请了专利。怀着最作者的无比崇敬和那份极度的神秘感,我飞快的的把软件给肢解了:)4 @0 g& N' h' K! |# B
! t5 K U' } P- [: W2 j
2 R R, l- \/ f6 K8 a8 v检测一下,是用Delphi写的,没有加壳。用DeDe载入后,反编译“开始消磁”按钮点击事件对应的代码,复制如下:* s$ F1 m8 J$ s: l8 ?
( Z% F& _& a' H d9 Y
0047FF28 53 push ebx
7 K2 P' ?$ T$ n$ C6 \. b0047FF29 8BD8 mov ebx, eax
0 {9 s( q% I% z+ _6 o) O6 C; B/ j0047FF2B 33D2 xor edx, edx* C: H6 H+ q' ^; o' T; Z
0 j ]$ S. J3 @. e0 ?1 p- B9 E* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.Panel2 : TPanel. L/ g" U+ s) W6 V, } D
, v7 {8 O' ^7 d( f, V& m0047FF2D 8B83FC020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02FC]4 C Q5 L" _7 @" P
4 s h- N4 Q- z8 n* Reference t controls.TControl.SetVisible(TControl;Boolean);5 U5 R( t+ @# ^2 w# V& n k
|, I* e9 a+ b$ n3 f4 p5 Y4 q; D0 `
0047FF33 E80CA6FAFF call 0042A544; s5 g5 _* S) a
0047FF38 B201 mov dl, $01
5 Y5 _2 i* H/ f0 i
& U. {% `# Z4 x* g- S' n" g: j* V) N2 c* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.Panel1 : TPanel
. _7 r! X, t& U9 T|
/ Q% K% Q; {- }$ L- y0047FF3A 8B83F0020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F0]! ]# n: j; U. x5 p7 n, V, t
. Z8 I- M% D, Q* A* h" a) ]
* Reference t controls.TControl.SetVisible(TControl;Boolean);
4 J$ ]2 t- r' O& u6 Z|+ T6 A' ~3 c0 K @- M
0047FF40 E8FFA5FAFF call 0042A544
% [- B; i7 [- y/ V$ u
$ l% N! g l- x6 ?0 ?2 [* |* o* Possible String Reference t '系统正在做消磁前的准备...' ;提示文本,准备好了0 P$ x# K4 ~6 I4 c
8 {- b' q& H2 a6 k% d# o0 m3 k7 r0047FF45 BA7C014800 mov edx, $0048017C
: F' d6 ^% C( a0 m0 O: z8 d- @
7 b; S) D7 q8 D f2 c* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.Label3 : TLabel
* v/ ]8 S' Y: U' u$ b7 Z( c4 M|' D G% S6 g, G7 }" t
0047FF4A 8B83F4020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F4]
9 v( V1 T: v; ]; l0 t/ j$ I' }8 l% m
* Reference t controls.TControl.SetText(TControl;TCaption);3 l* M7 x( r+ w% O9 S8 g3 ~
|; ^- a8 `+ C2 q0 R' |8 `( l
0047FF50 E807A7FAFF call 0042A65C
0 {) a( X/ b& E$ S7 Q
" ~, i# N1 l6 c. B* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar ;进度条开始动了
5 h& E! E$ S0 E) B|
' f; u; A( C- e/ p0047FF55 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]+ f# C! [% w& S, N* }
# w! l( d/ v B6 B6 ^* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);
0 h* L) L' `: _; r \ D, C( I( B|
! V9 z) A4 n& e& h" I0047FF5B E80489FDFF call 00458864
6 v+ J$ z$ v5 l% I I- X0047FF60 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
( p3 a, A# B: O7 J& C) M U3 Y; q1 ?! Z: p9 X7 Q1 ~( V
* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay() ;核心代码?~~~~~!!!!!!牛x,这样就可以“中和电脑周围磁场”,佩服佩服~~~~~~
# m" R" r# f3 @$ X: g|/ R8 w9 d' c: S
0047FF62 E8D1020000 call 00480238
! H" H" ], x. ]( a0 |" U) p
" c9 R! {5 ~# m8 g& M* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar ;进度条继续在动* B8 F, f& S1 g% H
$ b* [4 G/ p. x- a0047FF67 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]5 r+ q2 ]% K: s
( w: `0 R. ~& Q+ I+ p X6 E
* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);
% g% Q0 I! {1 j0 J" m) L0 d& a|! v: [) G2 R( c
0047FF6D E8F288FDFF call 004588645 s/ m; k) p3 B1 C: V7 f5 D: ], \5 v
0047FF72 8BC3 mov eax, ebx& X4 r* U' y" b7 i4 |3 |& u
: L7 W ]7 e" U: h( \2 n
* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay() ;休息一下,不知道从何方招来的神圣正在提我们消磁:)
5 Z+ d7 ~ m; e; n$ q$ v|. f" L! x) n+ J/ E7 f6 ?
0047FF74 E8BF020000 call 00480238- J" v/ ~5 l; E5 O9 W
" t1 Y) \7 l1 Y0 e6 V* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar ;继续动
4 o8 G* _) G$ O$ X, V# k4 A, ~|
8 ~6 _* r7 v+ k: O) n. N0047FF79 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]
4 N! U* ?5 n" X0 N
2 Q( i M1 \4 W/ ?+ ~% g2 [! y* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);
- e* K5 B0 `; [) a/ h1 b|
- j( N9 @: T2 d. g0047FF7F E8E088FDFF call 00458864
! u) C* R- {1 B$ @' V0047FF84 8BC3 mov eax, ebx5 P& n3 Q# C* e# W7 b, ]+ F$ b
, }; y9 H9 Y$ z6 _* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay()
* h6 I' I0 \: p& f& s0 L7 f8 g% ?. e5 P|
) d+ p6 Z' M1 ^0047FF86 E8AD020000 call 004802386 }1 j' ?) x R, t. \4 g
! ]1 X# t( X& `8 s& l* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar
( Z4 V) {. [9 d/ ^" J; W|. n# F6 e6 a. `' B+ G: d8 E
0047FF8B 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]
; F# I8 |. Z4 \2 a* s
$ b U- X) s) h# y z/ P6 T* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);
" y7 `" f/ O9 \+ V0 j$ j. W|
' {6 n! r: f) W3 E6 D! ~0047FF91 E8CE88FDFF call 004588642 Y/ V: s. P4 S4 @, T
0047FF96 8BC3 mov eax, ebx, @; L! O3 i, b$ j( v" G
0 x! o' u* J* [" f, @5 E
* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay()- ` T0 k" p7 a
|5 S- U2 Y. I& T, ]
0047FF98 E89B020000 call 00480238
0 O! G# G1 Q$ B( s: s$ p
4 }& P2 |' \6 B% f1 X4 O, M& ^* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar
) p! i! T: C/ k5 P; v|
1 v, {; r- ~ v: R i% D3 X3 ^0047FF9D 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]
0 D) w3 [* h3 s0 e; [
7 P" q- g5 B' |' m" I* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);
9 B3 q7 N2 t* H+ A5 H|
' i6 s1 A! m- z: B0047FFA3 E8BC88FDFF call 00458864* s" a- U: j$ O
' _0 f# D6 V0 I! Y/ c
* Possible String Reference t '系统正在收集电脑的电磁波...'
/ k. Q6 M2 R, n) {|
6 R8 [: n, i& s! j6 A4 J: @/ Z0047FFA8 BAA0014800 mov edx, $004801A05 G f! \0 x5 `: a1 m7 _) e
+ x- J! u+ \7 K2 E, A, Y4 C* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.Label3 : TLabel* l; \, u% h2 E
9 }% z+ |. D# g8 S" [0047FFAD 8B83F4020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F4]
. g% p$ ]6 E0 O. y9 b0 s/ c: S4 d# m) \! a5 @* a: V
* Reference t controls.TControl.SetText(TControl;TCaption);& I1 M8 [* S. }- S# j/ b8 \- N
|- G8 H1 u4 \' }2 c3 W
0047FFB3 E8A4A6FAFF call 0042A65C
/ e% d4 ~9 r9 S/ S
: H1 E# Y, T8 d1 w* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar) c2 N1 H- f& m& H Z/ X1 a
& n/ I' o# c5 x* j0 W# `$ ~/ f0047FFB8 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]
4 R* h8 ]; j+ B; P7 i! h! E6 g
( S8 C% [6 w k* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);' F/ Y+ h$ ?+ ?3 S( O4 k( c+ N9 |
|0 l( o5 Z% A0 s X+ ]
0047FFBE E8A188FDFF call 00458864
3 N, t/ z+ o# u8 D1 M- k W6 q- t0047FFC3 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
# F% Z9 v: P! X8 ]. ~' D' ^% F4 q
5 k% P4 W7 V# d G) [* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay() ;根据提示,这句应该是收集电磁波的代码。8 g9 M: R: Y. K6 b. F
" N& y! A. V! Q1 E0047FFC5 E86E020000 call 00480238
& Z6 c1 Q4 R' K$ z! n
! [* |/ [% H) }% @: N* ^* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar: D+ T9 }$ |0 j7 s
|) v! A3 A( }: u! U I/ R
0047FFCA 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]
$ [8 ^+ c0 j0 v( a% \3 r; W) @* k) M9 n2 V" U$ k1 _
* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);
7 \2 X' Y, o- C|' e( u( @ e1 b* T* b# s
0047FFD0 E88F88FDFF call 00458864
8 n4 h4 y: P' r d0 e" t0047FFD5 8BC3 mov eax, ebx. a2 J/ S9 J( G, m( [$ h; {# Z
; Y6 r3 x' u: m6 j' _* ^& p* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay()
7 |/ k( R" F% y2 }1 B|4 K6 s2 ^) R, K( a! O, Z
0047FFD7 E85C020000 call 004802388 l7 M7 s: T8 l w0 D& W
4 F2 G9 ?) ^' N! Q( t* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar! f% G1 Z9 s! W0 K
w+ V& N/ T* a( a: O& y0047FFDC 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]
a" g4 S1 f ]. P4 O+ [+ ]8 s* j" I3 ^" z: j( D! e" Q$ ]
* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);4 E9 [: i% c; l1 H& }2 G
0 [( N5 E! D* P% K& ]0047FFE2 E87D88FDFF call 00458864
& f& N( |/ i9 `0047FFE7 8BC3 mov eax, ebx1 D9 E3 B% ]+ v8 u0 W
% b& Z9 ]/ O7 ?9 |6 Q
* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay()
. j' [" D" U2 w) w6 [& ?" ^9 w% Z# j|
3 ~7 _8 o9 r, o" ]2 u0047FFE9 E84A020000 call 00480238
; D Z2 ]- T* Z9 U5 v" j8 Z1 K1 \4 C2 N$ \1 c+ Q5 h
* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar
1 p+ {, s9 D6 o' H7 S|/ q I6 t/ s" \4 _# ]3 P
0047FFEE 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]
* Y0 O& _$ Z5 \$ ?' i. |! a
$ U2 I! N2 c6 R( n# U$ @; S0 i- c* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);! K- c: f; P3 w
# y m! q+ ~7 I# N% c" q: k0047FFF4 E86B88FDFF call 00458864
5 c; w9 V# N# d% a9 U6 p9 m0047FFF9 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
7 u+ |; E d( r, a) _0 c6 g( @: L! S; ^
* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay()1 _$ w* w5 s1 \% ]* _$ T# P
2 ^# o! Z. j1 X# `0047FFFB E838020000 call 00480238
& R2 s! U6 U. U# b* v
2 n0 x& B) |* i4 n! o) Q5 t* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar7 M7 T5 D8 }$ q# X) K @
|- W) r% }# t% T7 g( N; x' J
00480000 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]
, b) K5 H: J4 K6 \1 I: Y
8 V7 l' P" x7 Y7 X) H, N. q* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);/ [& I" z2 n. _$ ^0 a8 l
' P/ W& h8 n- q# ?00480006 E85988FDFF call 004588644 D& C' M# d2 K, _7 ]4 F
6 R8 N: X/ R, E! W" n3 `* Possible String Reference t '系统正在释放融磁电波...'/ f4 W* x1 e* t) C
|# c( d6 \' S3 c, a/ v, i2 Z& W& }7 P
0048000B BAC4014800 mov edx, $004801C42 z8 {$ D0 J. j: j5 r% O
: X M8 N% s3 M! r: J
* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.Label3 : TLabel
+ l2 a& l: a9 x9 G. b6 e& B|
+ A5 T/ o5 Z* ^# D6 h) d00480010 8B83F4020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F4]
$ C4 r0 k7 o/ `' e$ S! @+ p7 B# Z: i. K. E/ k2 g" L) ~. K: o
* Reference t controls.TControl.SetText(TControl;TCaption);1 i, Z2 ]/ g" c3 @& I$ i
/ V( e5 |6 q, _+ A00480016 E841A6FAFF call 0042A65C! p3 P8 |, R s8 B
8 H4 m$ N! I! Q" t0 p( m( U
* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar" \: n0 \1 }. r# ~
|; K2 Z7 T$ F# }9 o7 Z- l0 |8 T0 ]
0048001B 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]) @3 Z4 L+ @( R7 K- T% J
8 C/ r$ `+ J3 E I+ J& o* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);
& k6 z9 B Y y. R|. U/ c8 Y" e6 z* A0 H% a& U* `; A1 K
00480021 E83E88FDFF call 00458864
+ ^ y, `2 d. {$ A% h# ]8 `5 s00480026 8BC3 mov eax, ebx; Z( V# v \- K( ~$ c5 H% k. m
, _% b* F( Z( Q
* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay() ;消磁的核心代码,这项技术大家可要记牢了,不可乱用,说不定作者申请专利了呢:)
/ G. K% c* c" L' C|
) H9 i4 a7 y2 o }00480028 E80B020000 call 00480238 l- T, l% Q; f; \6 [9 y, C* a
3 d! f- j/ l' H) i6 v2 H* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar
& t* m* K) J0 U& @! C; r( ]|4 ?2 b( S5 t9 y; K- ^
0048002D 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]
* P" w( k& b; L/ g
" e# e4 ^0 U( C( o$ I% J' w" E* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);
$ V2 J6 a* ?% \1 i4 A3 k: ^|
6 c/ P$ ~: s t7 M( T7 k! f$ H00480033 E82C88FDFF call 00458864
% N4 q& t% d6 P: T3 ^$ x9 B00480038 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
# f0 c$ J% A$ j# k! g0 |# T+ h h; B2 a
* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay()- r8 Y4 @* B9 o* b4 u+ V. {) X$ C3 h+ l
|- G& A# y3 @- @
0048003A E8F9010000 call 00480238& v* D U" T( ^9 B# i0 {, F
$ @; F; ~ g: W/ J5 W
* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar
% ]6 t R6 ~8 m2 B2 z: d|
. ^( |& v% x- d) w& ^: j2 c# F0048003F 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]4 ~ Z2 r$ U9 l' n) y" E& N4 K* s
) i# P+ s8 t4 v7 D8 h' g* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);4 D3 X$ R/ M( l6 W3 r a* q+ ]4 A
|, M! x+ a& N9 w/ L& F
00480045 E81A88FDFF call 00458864" d) y- j5 x6 N0 H
0048004A 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
" U% M! G* k* u F/ ^6 C& H3 }7 d
) L. m7 W& D H$ }$ M- i$ E# z* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay()
! A, ~& ^$ v- D4 _* d|) m" b8 U8 y1 ?& f
0048004C E8E7010000 call 00480238 k: K$ _' y% r
9 k1 I+ H5 B: X4 {* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar8 b6 G D3 R! |, s( k9 X
|4 T! Y, W4 C5 S3 k6 G
00480051 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]; b9 K* l0 ?) r# b. y b# s
3 Q- D) ^! C) R3 _3 J% j/ ?* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);
9 ?% [+ j2 @# ^. b|7 [6 P6 F- r- z) H& J9 i' [6 n
00480057 E80888FDFF call 00458864" \: x, z3 B, {: r; O
0048005C 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
7 U0 {* O" H1 j4 ]
- y6 G9 _0 p+ `: {2 B) i* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay()
( s# i7 c; d' j8 F: q|0 @. G/ [% N! u' z! d' n# l% p) {
0048005E E8D5010000 call 00480238
I# [1 n6 y7 p" Y6 j
9 G8 D+ }6 R0 Y7 o- } P B* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar
m( a' ?3 ^6 h: I" E1 S* J|
" z3 n. Y2 ^6 R3 s00480063 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]# \/ d" ~! k) p3 q; N& Y
$ A) Y" X- _/ |' U
* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);
, v7 t( U7 [4 T: n+ l|% \% N/ _* g l8 a6 f0 l
00480069 E8F687FDFF call 00458864. {3 q% [3 H; o8 Q7 Z
5 L v" q# E1 q8 V
* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar7 L! Q+ t6 \8 F5 n* m
# X: a7 e0 P3 n8 {+ E0048006E 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]1 X: r9 m+ `& [) j, I/ G- |# \
& L& q% r& B( t- M4 V* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);6 c ^" ~. d0 g* w: n
+ m3 k" T: ?) p) J& Y00480074 E8EB87FDFF call 004588647 T% N- d! j6 h1 h1 ^' x( o
00480079 8BC3 mov eax, ebx1 m1 c5 p& m+ Y, U* n! U) s' F
4 s# U7 d+ j) j1 s0 d
* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay()
- Q0 E! A) j1 || G4 k; }% {% [1 d' B* r
0048007B E8B8010000 call 00480238
) e. @3 V! A+ ]! O# ~; O. c* V! _1 Y" }% Z' n
* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar
5 l0 Q; q. Y5 c# m|9 o5 z; s" I* s G3 b& A* r4 x2 Q
00480080 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]. d& _0 K! l. \4 |
' i Z8 P7 C4 Y* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);& f6 F5 |3 k) b5 A5 s
|* V$ X0 c$ V& |
00480086 E8D987FDFF call 00458864; k( Q9 A; r7 ~8 A y4 d3 W. @
0048008B 8BC3 mov eax, ebx2 q, ^, ]3 [3 J4 I4 E8 e
$ J0 b/ c3 s! r9 `' L* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay()+ j9 X) r$ U( Y: W% F/ }
|- B- F O7 Z& B1 X8 x
0048008D E8A6010000 call 00480238& R* { C( [0 v
# o& F4 \8 E- N7 V$ d* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar
& m0 _% G7 Z+ U9 M1 P3 `|
( {- r. Z- ] Y. N' A2 j00480092 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]
4 A. H7 ^ N* q% e% g/ X! }" C" U2 ^1 J# K7 i3 ~
* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);
& R% b# T6 i, S% y( ?3 U|/ e D( U0 |* b" {3 s" L9 m& w0 x
00480098 E8C787FDFF call 00458864
, U8 {+ J% l! ^: o+ I" Z6 V' d0048009D 8BC3 mov eax, ebx6 q7 k) w/ l: L4 a! m( ~$ d
( O( [7 f9 K) e2 C+ d& h
* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay()
- n. H7 n1 o9 D1 G: `. Q+ I5 Y|
H, C$ j& S0 ~! c, d0048009F E894010000 call 00480238* [# a7 t) t3 V4 ?/ O# O. u
2 ~( @) ^' ?4 F( D; v$ W- x* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar, w% E9 d& ?( K
0 _2 G. Q; k! |- ~# z004800A4 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]
' y7 x' r6 H$ A% V1 c3 Z
! P0 q6 O7 H, C! r! Q- T* N* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);0 Q: `; W) q! e
|2 h7 `: B6 @0 E+ P0 o
004800AA E8B587FDFF call 004588644 o9 |8 V. [# Z) | `& L# |
004800AF 8BC3 mov eax, ebx" [) }& t6 g$ p2 M1 a" G
- [8 N2 {' J+ d1 k$ Y# Y
* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay()
$ S$ G5 _! M* H( Y" r|
9 O$ O8 y# H1 Q# ~. L, D4 B004800B1 E882010000 call 00480238 a- D0 ^2 y: s* r9 ]9 T. r4 `& W
# X0 _$ S- V+ I/ ~* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar
2 ^' o) G& U( i7 ?|
8 s% x: E6 P4 D, @1 U004800B6 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]' t! S* Z. w* h$ w' j' ?; \; |
9 d4 W6 f; m& V9 o- H* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);
3 M( L' J5 i4 M9 z; a. A|/ p8 `8 W, [2 m; ?
004800BC E8A387FDFF call 004588647 t5 D' K7 P; H; _: H& M6 s$ d
M2 B$ V8 j! V* C
* Possible String Reference t '系统正在做最后的消磁工作...'
7 {3 I9 s" ?) T/ o7 g5 @|
$ }. ^; J, x1 u; ~' j$ W! u004800C1 BAE4014800 mov edx, $004801E4) ?: _) }( ]9 E* _0 i
$ \' s. }) X# P5 d- \* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.Label3 : TLabel% L8 U! {: `5 I, U% u
|( a1 _1 S4 _8 f" B
004800C6 8B83F4020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F4]9 U$ m# R! E9 {
; B k9 e6 {8 F' K* w* Reference t controls.TControl.SetText(TControl;TCaption);! S9 W% [4 |, L' [
|' f* E7 x! _: U. e& {+ g6 N) u) _
004800CC E88BA5FAFF call 0042A65C8 h2 y5 U5 f8 a, E3 h
6 q0 \) G9 i; o; z# _3 C, c* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar
; a3 Q. N3 b8 r. `|
6 z2 |% V4 B! N$ D004800D1 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]
5 r) L8 a* h) ~3 V# [* C- N! A
# k+ |8 v' M$ t6 O( ]* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);
7 O' Y* ]" Q" A0 s: g& R|5 ?$ R2 x* S( G. f
004800D7 E88887FDFF call 00458864
* T: h( R1 A# e4 Y1 a1 K2 e" a004800DC 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
5 F7 b/ H1 B4 p7 @* @; @4 ]9 U# f8 d+ K8 L' U( U' e7 H
* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay() ;我就不说什么了吧:)
- m0 G6 [+ I# c" X|4 P2 _+ {4 U3 [/ j" A: }# W/ }
004800DE E855010000 call 00480238& Z4 Q) I1 I2 ]. K2 H. N4 k
4 M6 |& c% G. l, [: Z4 X* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar. Q7 j5 L, a' B- w6 @
|! d% a9 u, S- b
004800E3 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]
7 y: F* q$ T- c0 O. F7 S6 F+ P% N8 [
* v7 N/ d! M. q! O9 b* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);
\% f! `" X' }$ N, J|% k/ W& C% e6 M. Q: X7 j$ Y6 E
004800E9 E87687FDFF call 00458864
5 R2 B# p6 o/ a( r+ W, c004800EE 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
r& b: v# H9 f0 m. b/ F- ?$ z D+ R) I
* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay()2 s1 l& K7 r5 P! e1 F1 \$ j
6 h( ^; w, J: N- R$ D004800F0 E843010000 call 00480238
! W5 w) [$ `% _* ~% W4 p+ K0 Q7 ^( o- I
* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar
/ P5 ?0 w; j+ \9 Y; w- ?( R|
H8 ?; T+ F9 g6 ~6 s, e. ~) [8 g) }004800F5 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]8 `. S1 ? F ]0 R) j; O
5 h) c2 v. M: q. N/ m& ~
* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);6 x+ m) e# y8 o- K! l3 a
|5 S; ^* K; \) [0 Q* s
004800FB E86487FDFF call 00458864
# S; ]" B! \" E3 _( d4 c00480100 8BC3 mov eax, ebx# U: M! V. ?2 S! y7 v3 }+ F
0 r" `2 |9 J8 d# T
* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay()! J4 E w, p5 [4 v# @' w
|" x( o6 @' c: D! X9 j) [2 m
00480102 E831010000 call 00480238
7 w$ Z: L4 z0 K d# `
: X b( T6 u3 P, B/ Z( f5 K- B; M* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar
. z, p$ U9 c& d# k% S: w4 P) e|
! N8 q% p9 L0 s2 `% g2 B7 q00480107 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]0 g# m5 n+ D q+ c% X; t3 E5 L W
+ T7 V( H9 z {! a4 u: H) k* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);* b$ I* D1 P$ L; H0 o
|, }2 s. s7 T; S: c. q
0048010D E85287FDFF call 00458864
: o# v; U2 p+ T00480112 8BC3 mov eax, ebx) \1 u8 g4 {) ]) q7 u* \
0 i2 I2 y% c; P& y
* Reference to : TFrmRamMain.Delay()
) R9 Q' ]1 F& j6 ^" k, k|/ {. ?0 X; G- h1 p' ^- R7 U* i
00480114 E81F010000 call 00480238/ N4 D; W. `* a+ i% T
: z) k" S' U7 B$ u% ^7 l' {
* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.ProgressBar1 : TProgressBar2 Y; u! q% s" l; N L0 V7 G' v$ d9 T' S
# q3 S L u. D, w% ~7 c00480119 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]
: D" O7 ]/ n1 E& Y! |& E1 d" c" e' Z4 T) t7 Q. H ^8 F
* Reference t comctrls.TProgressBar.StepIt(TProgressBar);# I+ o" f4 k. [
|9 q/ [& }* U* N% T
0048011F E84087FDFF call 00458864
' p0 }6 L# W% i* x6 F3 {2 Y00480124 B8E8030000 mov eax, $000003E8
2 K* O" U3 f" M5 Q' k( D% w; N" T5 A3 |; j4 v8 M3 _
* Reference t system.@RandInt;
( \) t" }' X' d6 [|
) @' j! ?7 [- k6 P4 M1 z, N# a. D; I00480129 E86629F8FF call 00402A94
( l' y8 g9 L, s4 ]' F0048012E 85C0 test eax, eax
9 m6 `+ u- h( ]- p! `) p r6 h8 O00480130 6A40 push $40
$ T2 u* M" O6 A# z* }9 @3 ^4 \2 f6 \/ g+ m1 J; k; z
* Possible String Reference t '电脑消磁圣手'
3 c) \; Z" z: I. g2 b|( p( b+ t' |' j- y, x0 ~
00480132 B900024800 mov ecx, $00480200; [0 P* v$ {% U' l# G( O
# t' V7 h2 O+ f; g
* Possible String Reference t '融磁成功,已经成功中和电脑周围磁场?
8 Z( o- J7 h0 p; J& X| ?
0 L" f! i+ ~0 w/ n2 M6 X9 |; H|
+ G/ ~$ p( Q* t r9 \. n00480137 BA10024800 mov edx, $00480210
* f3 O1 @6 D/ r6 m
2 ?7 x1 {% ` t4 N* Reference to TApplication instance( V4 q, M3 r( ?; E( t
|- ~" [8 ^0 o3 `# T. B$ [6 o
0048013C A148284800 mov eax, dword ptr [$00482848]
' y. U5 g1 j! e00480141 8B00 mov eax, [eax]2 s1 s( R1 y1 K9 _& y& m; E
6 j- F4 I N; t9 S3 }
* Reference t forms.TApplication.MessageBox(TApplicationCharChar;Longint):Integer;
5 R! j7 z3 u* t4 x|
, O8 W1 ~3 N$ R- t! t3 T00480143 E89895FCFF call 004496E0 ;大功告成,消磁成功!!!
1 ]0 Q9 {! @& W* p4 h3 B00480148 33D2 xor edx, edx
9 A/ [" R" {+ x3 j7 f+ v- r3 j; @8 ^6 n4 C+ Y5 u: ~
* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.Panel1 : TPanel$ u+ ~( ^* _( m- s
5 f- x6 u, }; k% t0048014A 8B83F0020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F0]
) q) T7 q6 m3 _
1 p- A) n' W& q& A8 ]* Reference t controls.TControl.SetVisible(TControl;Boolean);' ?) N# H2 q, M8 g. i$ h
|( Q' Z! a' J7 B# S ~
00480150 E8EFA3FAFF call 0042A544
`$ g9 [. t' p* |( T00480155 B201 mov dl, $01
$ z+ I3 i, c0 {! a T4 l" y) J# a T: f+ R5 A
* Reference to control TFrmRamMain.Panel2 : TPanel- S5 r* J' w! b4 m4 r7 a
|/ l8 c8 j* z% p) @
00480157 8B83FC020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02FC]
' f5 J2 ?0 l8 N3 M% V1 Z6 J1 {( H' f& D$ a
* Reference t controls.TControl.SetVisible(TControl;Boolean);
! `! _' o+ o, K|
, w6 B( L5 l4 E& v( f* `: [& N, M0048015D E8E2A3FAFF call 0042A544
4 Z1 u8 l3 e9 h
5 u& G( { E) C; N! o3 K1 t* Reference to TFrmAbout instance; v2 [1 z8 i1 `( v
|+ B% \5 @; Y- {6 E
00480162 A148264800 mov eax, dword ptr [$00482648]
8 Z1 R( H Z2 V00480167 8B00 mov eax, [eax]
4 {# m. U7 b) J5 i' |4 L2 r' v3 u- a00480169 8B10 mov edx, [eax]( ^3 }$ o: j4 D& h ~, I8 F
8 g9 @7 a( G3 W0 g; Z* w- g# X
* Reference to method TFrmAbout.ShowModal()8 s( B* y( H5 E/ N; c
|& D6 W) T" f$ E% Q( \
0048016B FF92D8000000 call dword ptr [edx+$00D8] ;关于窗口露一小脸,是介绍公司的。如此精深的技术,倘不见一下那只下蛋的鸡,岂不是太可惜了么:) z; \, T2 r5 J4 X
00480171 5B pop ebx
" w7 ?% l+ t+ E" J+ ~; Z00480172 C3 ret |